© 2012 Guillermo Ubilla



A native of upstate New York, Ms. Franco began her modeling career at the McGuffey Art Center in Charlottesville, VA in 2011 after serendipitously wandering into the open gallery of accomplished figure artist Lindsay Heider Diamond.  She quickly became the regular weekly model for an intimate group of talented artists dedicated to faithfully representing the human figure in a variety of media including sculpture, paint, charcoal, digital rendering, and photographs.  She maintained and deepened her love for art modeling for 3 blissful years before taking her practice to California and, finally, Buenos Aires.

Sophia brings 20 years of classical dance training and a deep sense of artistic appreciation to her pose work. Her background in photography and extensive self-study of art history combine in her sessions to create unique poses that both challenge her artists and imbue their finished works with a modern take on a classical aesthetic.

Sophia is inspired by the sculptures of Auguste Rodin, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, and Bill Mack; the paintings of Leonid Afremov, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Damon A.H. Denys, Bryan Larsen, Omar Ortiz, and Tamara de Lempicka; and the photography of Vivian Maier, Horacio Coppola, and Christian Coigny, among many others.